March 11, 2011 — Contents


(1)  EDITORIAL:  Lethal Russia

(2)  EDITORIAL:  The Foundering Putin Economy

(3)  EDITORIAL:  Russia Stands Alone

(4)  The Fetid Smell of Russian February

(5)  Another Appalling new Low for Russian “Justice”

(6) CARTOON:  Of Russian Mice, and Men

NOTE:  Holy Russian Empire, Batman!  LR publisher and founder Kim Zigfeld’s latest piece on the mighty Pajamas Media megablog describes the horrific rise of an Orthodox religious state in Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

72 responses to “March 11, 2011 — Contents

  1. Russian airliner crashes during test, killing 6

    Today at 14:21 | Associated Press

    MOSCOW (AP) — Russian news reports say an Antonov-148 airliner has crashed during a test flight, killing six people including two pilots from Myanmar.

    Read more:

  2. Russia is cyber hacker central! Putin actually encourages hacking and software piracy because the Russians are too drunk to create anything on their own. They have to steal it. …How far the Russian evil empire has fallen… FYI – Putin was actually born in 1950 and was 10 when he entered first grade. He was such a stupid scrawny kid that no one noticed that his birth certificate was changed to 1952, making him 8 when he entered first grade, again. He is still a mental midget when he blatantly lies about everything. He has zero credibility. The trouble with Russians is that they think they are smart and everyone else is stupid. They have everything backwards. :)

    Read more:


    Red Army monument to be unveiled

    Mar 5, 2011

    A monument in honor of the Red Army will be unveiled in May 2012 in the Israeli city of Netaniya.

    The monument was designed as a dark labyrinth of alleys which represent the main tragic moments in Jewish history: from the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem to the Holocaust.

    This memorial will express the strong sense of gratitude that we feel for the Russian people who fought bravely against the Nazis and played a crucial role in the victory of the Allies in World War II. About half a million Jews fought in the Red Army and many of them now live in Israel,” said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

  4. Trial of Russian human rights defender Oleg Orlov continues

    Oleg Orlov is charged with slander for saying that the Chechen President was responsible for the death of Natalia Estemirova

    A lot of the questioning is about the main cases Natalia Estemirova worked on during the last months of her life; the harrowing case of the public execution of Rizvan Albekov, for instance, and the enforced disappearance of Apti Zeinalov.

    • Natalia Estemirova’s Last Interview to Caucasian Knot

      “Rizvan Albekov and his son, Aziz, residents of the Akhkinchu-Borzoy village, were abducted in Dzhugurty, Kurchaloy District, Chechen Republic, on 7 July, presumably by officers of the local District Department of Internal Affairs. Several hours later, the abductors publicly executed Rizvan Albekov, the Memorial Human Rights Centre quotes eyewitnesses of what happened as saying.

      The witnesses told the staff of the Memorial Human Rights Centre that officers of law enforcement / security agencies stopped a Niva car in which Albekov and his son were driving in the centre of Dzhugurty at noon. A police officer got in to drive the Niva, while the driver was moved to the back seat. After that, accompanied by one more car, Albekov and his son were carried away from the village.

      Armed people in camouflage came to Akhkinchu-Borzoy on the night of 8 July. For a while, they were driving along the village, they stopped in the centre of the village near a group of young people. They dragged Rizvan Albekov who was dressed only in underwear from the car. The unidentified people asked Rizvan if he had helped rebels. Rizvan answered in the negative (shook his head). Then they shot at him several times and said that that would happen to everyone who would help rebels. The destiny of Aziz Albekov so far remains unknown.

      Villagers also reported this to the district prosecutor’s office by telephone.

      Rizvan Albekov and his family had for a long time lived in the Stavropol Territory. He returned to Akhkinchu-Borzoy in 2008. He bought a small house on the fringe of the village and settled there with his family. Aziz Albekov finished school in 2009.

      In October 2000, Rizvan’s brother, Vakhazhi Albekov, as he was looking for his cattle, was stopped by Russian military men and exploded in the forest near Akhkinchu-Borzoy. His second brother, Ali Albekov, filed a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights. On 9 October 2008, the ECHR ruled in favour of the aggrieved party in the Albekov and Others case. The applicant did not live till the hearing: he died from cancer.”

      • Between March 2000 апd February 2001 military unit no. 73881-2 was stationed near the village of Akhkinchu-Bazzoy in Chechnya. On 23 October 2000, Vakhazhi Albekov went out to collect the family’s cattle but never returned home. The villagers went out to search for him. He was found dead the next day, the upper part of his body disfigured by an explosion. In the course of the search for him, Khasayn Minkailov, Mr. I, Mr. Sh. M., and Nokha Uspanov were injured by two mines exploding in the forest. Khasyan Minkailov died of the injuries sustained whereas Mr. SH. M., and Nokha Uspanov both had to have their right legs amputated. On 11 January 2001, Nokha Uspanov was detained during a sweeping operation together with Vakhazhi Albekov’s brother. The police beat them up and questioned them about the death of Vakhazhi Albekov. Nokha Uspanov subsequently disappeared and was found dead in the end of January.

  5. KBR Violence Worse for Moscow than Domodedovo Attack Was, Malashenko Says

    Indeed, he continues, it is highly symbolic that “while Medvedev and Putin were skiing in Sochi and talking about the prospects of the tourism cluster in the North Caucasus, their opponents have shown that they are lying and that their talk about these things are without any basis.”

    Second, the attacks in KBR hit at the heart of Moscow’s proposals for “the modernization of the North Caucasus and the normalization of the situation in that region,” especially since Medvedev and Putin have made the development of tourism a major part of this effort. But who will choose to visit somewhere “if he knows that at any moment he could be blown up?”

    Third, and related to the second, the attacks represent an attack on Moscow’s plans to hold the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014. “If Russian tourists will be afraid to travel to mountain resorts,” Malashenko continues, “then what does this say about the likelihood that foreigners will come to the Olympics “knowing that at any moment they could be killed?”

    From the perspective of both Russians and foreigners, the Moscow analyst continues, “the very fact that Russia could ensure political stability in [that] region has finally been put under doubt.” And for the powers that be in the Russian capital, Malashenko says, that is something “much worse” than what happened in Domodedovo.

    And that is especially true, he says, because the actions of the terrorists show “a certain system and are being conducted on the basis of a definite strategy.” The attacks had symbolic targets, and they have “undermined not only the authority of the Olympic Games in Sochi and also in principle the authority of Russia.”

    Fourth, given that the inability of Moscow to control the activity of the terrorists in the North Caucasus is helping to generate more Russian nationalism, then “from that point of view,” it is also obvious that “the Russian leadership is not in a position to prevent the growth of Russian nationalism,” something which is at least as dangerous for Moscow and Russia.

    And fifth, both the selection of the first targets, skiers from Moscow, and the timing of the attack, when Medvedev and Putin were talking about developing tourism in the North Caucasus, represent on the part of the terrorists a thumbing of their noses at Moscow: “We can kill whom we want, when we want, and you can do nothing to us.”

    For Putin and Medvedev, this is “really a tragedy” precisely because of how Russians and others around the world will view it, Malashenko says. And what is most important, the current Russian leaders “cannot offer any positive solution to this problem.” What they have offered, he continues is something that “no one believe either in Russia or abroad.”

    Malashenko argues that Moscow has been making “mistakes in the North Caucasus throughout the last 20 years.” It did not need to “provoke a war in Chechnya” either the first time or the second. There was no need to talk about “drowning [the bandits] in an outhouse.”

    Instead, what was and is needed, the Moscow expert argues, is to recognize the “religious-political opposition” in the region and conduct “systematic” albeit difficult talks with them, something especially hard and even shameful “for our ambitious politicians, especially Putin.”

    • Unfortunately for humanity, Russia is mostly populated by genocidal fascist maniacs like Ostap/Miamonedes who look back on the USSR and its crimes with fond remembrance, and who wish to see the virus of Russian imperialism spread its way back into recently liberated countries.

      • Actually both the Soviet soldiers (conscripts and officers alike) and the Soviet Jews (sometimes at once) were also victims of many Chekist crimes. The current Russia is not really neo-Soviet, it’s just Chekist, literally. They have lost all of their communist ideology, now it’s only money, power, “respect” and other such purely gangster values.

        And I asked him why is he writing about this randomly on a blog that is not dedicated to neither the USSR nor Israel, commenting under the entry not mentioning the Red Army, but he just didn’t elaborate.

        Anyway he’s not really a genocidal maniac, I think, he’s just stupid.

        • If you don’t understand the connection between USSR and Russia, I can’t help you, Robert.

          This becomes even funnier if you look at the top of this page and read the title of this blog:

          LA Russisphobe
          Recording The Rise (And Hopefully Fall) Of The Neo-Soviet Union

          What’s your problem, Robert? Your mommy forgot to tell you that “Soviet Union” and “USSR” are synonyms?

          • Me parece que la gente de Kim Zigfeld está una sociedad de loros locos. No paraban de cotorrear, En cuanto a Robert. él es tan desquiciado que se entrega a puros monólogos — no le importa si consigue respuestas o no.

          • Your mommy forgot to tell you what “Neo” means.

            For example, these Russian-Israeli Neo-Nazis are not exactly veterans of the Wehrmacht.

            • I am sorry, Robert, but I wish I could help you, but I truly don’t understand why you want to ban all discussions about the Soviet Russia in general and its role in World War II in particular. Should the history of Russia between 1917 and 1991 be banned form this blog? Since LR herself is very interested in this topic, I find the Soviet Union’s role in WWII to be relevant here, e.g.:

              How Did Russia Defeat Hitler? It got Lucky!

              How Did Russia Defeat Hitler? It got Lucky!

              Reviewing Russian history during World War II, Newsweek magazine exposes Russia’s absurd propaganda about Stalin’s achievements, and their own


              Nazis and Russians, Birds of a Sordid Feather

              A movie review in The New Yorker shows the horrifying similarity of behavior between Russians and Nazis during World War II.

              EDITORIAL: Russia Lost the “Great Patriotic War”

              EDITORIAL: Russia Lost the “Great Patriotic War”

              Who won the battle of Ryazan in Russia during World War II, which Russians crazily refer to as “The Great Patriotic War”? Was it the Germans, who lost 500,000 soldiers, or was it the Russians, who lost a million?

              If not Russia, what country do YOU personally want to discuss here?

              Robert | February 27, 2011 at 8:09 pm | Reply
              Philippines number is somewhat inflated. Most of them were really practically accidental victims of a single crime, a bizzare massacre in 2009.


              Oh, I see…

              • Because this blog is not discussing “the Soviet Russia in general and its role in World War II in particular” AND there was nothing about it in the entry you’re supposedly “commenting” on here. Unlike this comment of mine regarding the journalist deaths in Phillipines, commenting about the blog entry discussing just this (as the country was rated a even more dangerous to the journalists than Russia).

                But I guess it’s because “Your mommy forgot to tell you” how to comment on a blog too. It’s apparently such a hard skill. For you.

                • Because this blog is not discussing “the Soviet Russia in general and its role in World War II in particular

                  Really? What about these:

                  How Did Russia Defeat Hitler? It got Lucky!

                  Reviewing Russian history during World War II, Newsweek magazine exposes Russia’s absurd propaganda about Stalin’s achievements

                  Nazis and Russians, Birds of a Sordid Feather

                  A movie review in The New Yorker shows the horrifying similarity of behavior between Russians and Nazis during World War II.

                  EDITORIAL: Russia Lost the “Great Patriotic War”

                  Who won the battle of Ryazan in Russia during World War II, which Russians crazily refer to as “The Great Patriotic War”? Was it the Germans, who lost 500,000 soldiers, or was it the Russians, who lost a million?


                  • @Really?


                    @What about these:

                    Go and comment there, if there’s really something about the “Israeli city of Netaniya”, or “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu” there (things that you bolded out for some reason) so maybe it would actually relevant.

                    • Since you constantly use the Contents pages to raise new issues that are dear to you (e.g., the “suffering” of Muslims), so will I. Now get lost and post something substantive for a change.

                    • I wonder if they will be putting up a monument to the Russian Jews who served the Cheka so well?

                      As for Robert posting something of substance, well he does that a lot more than you do Maimuni.

                    • Robert,

                      I boldfaced “Israel” to point out good will between Israel and Russia. Similarly, “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu” was boldfaced because he is a pro-American hawk; and most politicians, dependent on American rulers, are too scared to anger Americans by showing appreciation for Russia or for the Red Army. Surely, if USA were ruled by McCain and not by Obama, Israel would have thought twice before building this monument.

                      Thus, this is a very relevant comment on the relations between modern Russia and Israel.

                      Robert | February 27, 2011 at 8:09 pm | Reply
                      Philippines number is somewhat inflated. Most of them were really practically accidental victims of a single crime, a bizzare massacre in 2009.

                      Thank you for sharing.

    • No Kadyrov blown up there this time? What a pity.

    • Wal

      Sad – but true part – about your comment that “Russia seems to be winning the PR war!” boils down to the fact if you deny a truth, or lie through your teeth long enough, then there are a lot of brainless idiots in this world that will believe the blatant Russian propaganda lies.

      • Manfred Steifschwanz

        What a tremendous source of relief and encouragement that Bohdan is still alive and kicking :-D

        • Yes, the very fact that he can start a computer and connect to the internet is shining example of determination and courage for all other handicapped people.

          • Well, well Maimuni! I cannot help but note that you still suffer from that terrible ‘malady’ which is judging all others by the abhorrent standard that you are. You poor example of a Russophile.

            You have been too long in the Greek sun, picking those Kalamata olives without a hat, resulting in an over heated brain – medically it’s called sun stroke. And like your comrade MS, you too have irreperable and permanent brain damage.

        • Ah dearest MS, pity that I cannot say the same about you! But then – and so unlike you – I am honest.

          I see that they let you out for your periodic good behavior. I’ll have to have words with your ‘head shrink’, as there is no hope of you being cured, ever. Sadly, you must comprehend,-+ that brain damage symptoms are permanent.

  6. Let us rejoice and relive the latest russia’s humiliation – one wouldn’t invent it but it happened where ?? only in Russia. Picture this!!! The seller – Russia takes a buyer – Maynamar for a ride to show how perfect the Antonov military planes are and then CRASH killing everybody on board. It is shows the world how ‘competitive’ russia is. Hey Maimon, casasrasa, and company – I think the deal is off – any comments.

    • Toutes mes félicitations, mon petit merdaille. Je comprends fort bien que, pour toi, il s’agît d’abord d’une vengeance longuement attendue pour Smolensk. Que la vie est jolie!

      • Klaine Schwaine,
        It is not about a vengance, but I appreciate that you officially admit to this political murder. This is about russia that cannot face the reality. Let me enlighten you, again and angain; you are a third world country, a provider of natural resources to the 1st world – that the way it is and that the way it stays. Keep your inventions to gulags, chernobyl and tea with polonium. The good thing will be, though, to move all russians beyond the Ural mountains…..just to save European Culture…..

        • Manfred Steifschwanz

          As I said before, my descent, residence, and citizenship are all non-Russian. That stinking swamp called Poland resides to the south, not to the west, of where I live. But rest assured that I do have a strong preference for Russia over the US and its bootlickers, my own beloved government included.

          Anyway, deeply regret to inform you that I don’t believe in any of your half-witted “analyses” on whatever subject you choose to opine on. As far as Smolensk is concerned, it served you 100% right — your contemptible Polish betters stubbornly insisting on landing in dense fog for the utterly vain and silly purpose of “commemorating Katyn”. The Almighty God works in strange and wondrous ways sometimes, mind you. Maybe he was at odds with the Vatican — he most definitely should be.

          • Klaine Schwaine wrote;

            As far as Smolensk is concerned, it served you 100% right — your contemptible Polish betters stubbornly insisting on landing in dense fog for the utterly vain and silly purpose of “commemorating Katyn”. The Almighty God works in strange and wondrous ways sometimes, mind you. Maybe he was at odds with the Vatican — he most definitely should be.

            As far as GULAGS ARE concerned, it served you 100% right — your contemptible RUSSIAN BYDLO stubbornly insisting ON BUILDING THAT FARCE CALLED ‘RUSSIAN EMPIRE”. The Almighty God works in strange and wondrous ways sometimes, mind you. IN SPITE OF HIS MISERICORDE, THE ALMIGHTY SENT YOU TO GULAGS FOR PERPETUITY. Maybe he was at odds with the SECT CALLED RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH — he most definitely should be.

            • You still haven’t figured out that Manfred is a Swede, have you? How many more clues should he give you, Mcccusa?

              • Yeah right – his knowledge of russian language with all its obscenities and vulgarities – total lack of distance and total self loathing it is 100% russian.

                • His German is also great. His French is quite good too.

                  You see, mccusa, not everybody is as stupid as you. Some people can master more than one language.

        • Do you really feel yourself “European”, silly polish pshek girl? What a mistake. “Europeans” like you clean my house in Germany.

          • casasrasa, your russian is perfect, so don’t pretend you are not a russian katsap- when did you escape from that sh#$%t hole called russia? Do you live off the german social security? Why don’t you go home – you have those magnificent real estate complexes called gulags – what to choose, what to choose… By the way, we had ‘visitors’ in Poland for a long while – when the so called russian army left Poland, the barracks occupied by you, the russian dogs, were dessinfected, washed and quaranteened – and yet two years after those russian hordes left, those places smelled of urine, excrements, unwashed bodies and vodka. It is truly ‘russian cultural influence’ that Europe so much appreciate….

            • mccusa schreibt und redet wirklich mit seinem Arschloch — so was nenn’ ich ein echter Pschek! Arschau — Hauptstadt Polens.

            • But mccusa,

              Casasa is right. When I go to London, the people who clean my hotel room and scrub the toilet are often Polish.

              • Shame on you Maimuni!!

                What ? the cleaner has to scrub the toilet after you’ve used it?? Must be your soviet ‘untermensch’ mentality that you leave the place like a soviet cesspool.

                Maimuni, you are best described as the classic soviet “Nyet Kultura”. Because a gentleman would definitely not leave a clean toilet, after they had used it, as a filthy cesspool nightmare.

              • Thats funny, in New Zealand my cleaner was a Russian.
                Russians tend to work in service jobs in the real world, like supermarket checkouts etc.

            • Poor little pshek , you are only able to think in a primitive way limited by your education and life standards. If I speak Russian then I must be a Russian katsap from Gulag living in a dirty “zemljanka” in Siberia, right? This is not the case even though it fits to your view. And, indeed, my house cleaner is a Polish lady.

              Unfortunately, I cannot live off the German social security system, as I have to contribute a lot to it from my salary to support such parasite emigres like you who prefer to stay on welfare all their lives, generations long, additionally earning “Schwarzgeld” by cleaning toilets.

              • caszsrasa,
                Apparently, Germans and Austrians refuse to share hotels with russians. They apperently cancelled their hotel bookings – they refuse to be under the same roof with the russian filfth ….

  7. I feel really sorry for whoever has to sit next to Manfred the man-child at the call centre. He couldn’t possibly have any friends could he? What a crashing bore.

    But then again I do feel some empathy towards you Manfred; your genetically inferior amygdala is not entirely your fault.

    • Well, Wal, given that you are totally preoccupied with Manfred and keep on posting content-free infantile insults toward him day after day after day, I would say that he got you good and that you are driven by a severe case of inferiority.

      • Well Ostap, considering you are totally preoccupied with my needling of your Russian-Jewish gay-bi-curious red holocaust denying self, and keep posting content free insults towards me day after day, I would suggest that I got you good and you are driven by a severe case of inferiority……

        BTW, how did you like the poll results that show more than half of all young Russians think that Stalin was a hero?

        • Ant-drek wrote: “Well Ostap, considering you are totally preoccupied with my needling of your Russian-Jewish gay-bi-curious red holocaust denying self, and keep posting content free insults towards me day after day, I would suggest that I got you good and you are driven by a severe case of inferiority……

          Are you sure that your last year’s lobotomy went as well as you claim it did?

        • LOL, like I said, your obsessional behavior shows that my needles are hitting a sore point.

          You really are hilarious bender, I have so much fun needling you over your position in the closet.

          • Glad to hear it, Ant drek. From now on, I will re-post this link every time you bother me with your inane replies, for everybody to read.

            • Thats fine bender boy, I am sure you are too stupid to come up with real counter arguments.

              • Get lost, Antdrek.

                Why do you have to reply to each and every one of my comments addressed to other people, Antdrek? As I said many times before, you are too stupid and infantile for discussions. I have no interest in arguing with you. By replying to each of my posts, you litter the space and make it more difficult for normal people to follow up to me.

                Your preoccupation with me is very unhealthy. You are a pest. Seek a doctor, and let other people talk to me without your constant interference, loser.

                Relax and get a life. From now on, the only occasions I will reply to you, will be to politely ask you to stop your preoccupation with me, retard.

    • Don’t worry, Wal. If that’s anything to go by, I do in fact get a fair amount of invitations on LinkedIn on, say, a monthly basis. Ergo: There are at least some strange people around the globe who wouldn’t be bored at all sitting next to me! But since I’m not working at a call centre at present, neither know anyone who does, I have no idea of how those people would cope wiht me, of course :-)

      If there’s any inferiority pertaining to my physical body, I’d say it’s my arms. They’re so damn short that self-play becomes a little of a problem, mind my nick!

      • Dear Manfred,

        Thank you for addressing the non-existent concern we have regarding your popularity.

        Unfortunately you missed the point, but the schizophrenic extension of your monotonous diatribe actually continues to support my initial assessment; that you are an atrociously boring turd.

        Good luck with your projects Manfred, particularly those that keep you locked in a room alone for extended periods.

  8. Manfred Steifschwanz

    Granted, Russian swearing does stand out among the world’s (foul) languages. It’s nearly an inexhaustible subject, I’d say. But what really lightens my friends and colleagues up is my resorting to swearwords in a very spicy mix of languages, Russian of course being one among them!

    It testifies to mccusa’s lack of spine, self-confidence, and — most notably — sheer individuality that to him, despising one’s own government implies self-loathing. Poor little slaboumny chelavek, this Polish piece of trash.

    • Kleine Schwaine,
      Don’t you really have any self respect – you are showing to the world how barbaric and totally revolting you russians are – you cover your monumental, justifiable inferiority complex with insulting anybody who is better. By the way, talking about ‘russian culture’; there is an exhibition of the copies of furnitures Catherine II ordered in Paris for her private use. Those furniture are covered with penises, vaginas, she ordered a porno filthy furnitures – russian embassy demanded to close the exhibition, of course… By the way, Katusza vtoraya trakhala loshadey…..

      • Manfred Steifschwanz

        For once, you’re right on the money, mccusa! You’re so superior and so witty I could pour scorn on you till the end of time. Judging by your rants, Russians prevail just about everywhere. However, Russians do seem to be more educated and sophisticated than a Polish talking toilet self-flushing forever on the Internet, if that’s any clue as to the Russians’ moral stature.

        • kleine schwaine wrote,

          ‘However, Russians do seem to be more educated and sophisticated than a Polish’ –

          do you count among those ‘sophisticated and better educated’ the 90% of russians who live in small holes in the ground all over siberia, in pure 18th century, with no running water, no electricity, hungry, dirty, drunk, forgotten and, as of recent time, high on afghan heroin? You must be the lucky one, who was allowed to travel to the West – and it always meant a visit to Poland. I remember the so called ‘inturist groups’ from the soviet union infesting Poland . We in Poland didn’t know whether to laugh or cry – seeing those pathetic clowns dressed in the latest soviet fashion; those poor bastards were in total shock – they saw a civilized country, in spite of the soviet occupation, churches opened, restaurants, western music, shops with food and western clothing…their only dreams were to be able to buy an american jeans – so sixty years of soviet indoctrination failed miserably…. Seeing those farcical visitors from Asia made as all Polish people truly vindicated…..

      • vozniakovski-psheshekski

        And what? And Bill Clinton trahal pol’skuju suchku Monica Levinski. Does this prove anything?

  9. voznakov, khuyov,
    There is difference between copulating with a woman as opposed to copulating with a horse – Oh, oh, I got it, the russians do not see the diference.

    • Manfred Steifschwanz

      But you’re experienced in each “modus operandi”, eh? Please share your expertise with us, dear.

      • Klaine Schwaine, those sexual deviations e.g., raping young girls, [tolstoy], raping young boys [chajkowski, pletnev, putin] are modus vivendi in russia – everybody know it….

        • kleine schwaine, don’t change the subject, obosranyi kasaglazyi ruskiy riab, it was Catherine II, russian tsarina of german origins, who was shagging horses on a regular basis – it was known all over 18th century russia and Europe – there were caricatures of katusza with a horse in russian and european newspapers. By the way, thanks for agreeing with my vivid and accurate description of russian katsaps visiting Poland … their obssessive desire to own a pair of american jeans border with paranoia……what a farce it was….

  10. @Similarly, “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu” was boldfaced because he is a pro-American hawk

    No, he’s just a right-wing nationalist brute. His apparent newfound love for Stalinism is really charming, although irrevelant.

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