EDITORIAL: LR in Russian


LR in Russian

The major Russian website InoForum has translated a second of our recent editorials, this time the one entitled “How We See It” in which we explained our confrontational approach to reform in Russia.  Previously, InoForum translated our editorial exposing of the extent of Vladimir Putin’s alienation of the people of the United States, entitled “Putin=Russophobia.”  Interestingly, they’ve also translated several of our reader comments posted to that editorial, a nice touch.  As a result of this, you may notice an increased number of Russian-language comments appearing on this blog from InoForum readers who transit here from their link to the source page (the material in Russian is also the subject of voluminous commenting on the InoForum website as well).  “How We See It” now has well over 100 comments.  

This same website, by the way, we praised for having translated Oleg Kozlovsky’s op-ed in the Washington Post when it appeared several months ago, attentive readers will recall.

We are delighted that someone is returning our favor in translating a huge volume of material from the Russian blogosphere into English.  As well, though we already had a large number of Russian readers, significantly larger than any other English-language Russia blog, but since our main purpose is to influence the conduct of the people of Russia we are always delighted to have more.

These two editorials, of course, go hand in hand.  In the first, we documented American alienation from Russia owing to Putin’s outrageous conduct.  In the second, we explained the importance of making Russians aware of this reality, since most are blissfully ignorant of it because of Putin’s chokehold on the national media.

It’s a hopeful sign that there are still possibilities, though vestigial, to get the truth out in Putin’s Russia via the Internet.  But it’s a slender reed. We could wake up tomorrow and find that InoForum has been shut down, its operators arrested, one more candle snuffed out.  And if that happened, it’s not very likely that the Western nations would raise much of a fuss.

Still, the slender reeds — with names like Solzhenitsyn and Pasternak and Babel — that clung to life during the Soviet period surely contributed to the ultimate peaceful collapse of the USSR, and some hope is better than none.  Today, we can still hear their echoes in the words of great Russian patriots like Valeria Novodvorskaya, whose work from the heroic Grani.ru website we translated last week, and of Yulia Latynina in her regular column in the Moscow Times.

These voices must speak out as loudly and often as they are able, before they are silenced by the neo-Soviet iron curtain slowly descending across the continent. They are Russia’s last, best hope.

192 responses to “EDITORIAL: LR in Russian

  1. I’m not sure it’s about getting the truth out or speaking up. Russian people most likely have a sense of what is going on. But knowing is not enough to risk one’s own life (and the lives of others) to bring change.

  2. People have already sacrificed their lives for doing the most innocuous things. No one is safe, not even those fearful bystanders.

    Gary Marshall

  3. Inna, who says their lives are at risk? I doubt that Putin is ready to use live bullets on demonstrators at this point.

    Russians have sat on their asses over the years watching their rights being dismantled by the thugs in the Kremlin. Where they are today without a civil society and the rule of law is where they put themselves. They were complicit.

    There have been mass demonstrations in Venezuela and Tehran over the years, but, dead silence in Moscow.

    Americans lost lives in the Revolutionary War for the permandent relief from tyranny, it wasn’t bloodless. Sometimes there are things worth risking lives for.

    Of course Russians know what is going on. Their sheepish passivity isn’t going to bring change and surely you know that.

    • Чудак на букву М пенни. За полтора века Россия участвовала 2 мировых войнах и пережила 2 революции. В начале 90х годов прошлого века свершилась капиталистическая революция, которая выражалась в вооруженном разделе мелких, средних и крупных рынков. Чечня, Грузия – это уже 21 век. Большинство мужчин в Росии прошло службу в рядах РА(~2 года). Многие из них учасвовали в боевых действиях в горячих точках. Вот последние сводки:

      27.03 11:56 МВД объявило о завершении спецоперации в Ингушетии
      27.03 09:29 В Ингушетии возобновилась спецоперация
      27.03 01:16 МВД Ингушетии объявило о завершении спецоперации в станице Орджоникидзевская
      26.03 19:32 Боевики тяжело ранили троих сотрудников МВД в Ингушетии
      26.03 18:35 Сотрудники ФСБ в Ингушетии блокировали боевиков в жилом доме.

      У нас не получают по почте “таинственный белый порошек”, а получают ПУЛЮ ИЛИ ГРАНАТУ!
      Рассуждай о СВОИХ банкирах-ворах, многоженцах-педофилах, геях-священнослутелях и прочей мрази.
      Пойми, что кроме всевозможных прав есть еще и обязанности…

  4. Oh, America` s press. You make my day another time. You so hopefully wrote : “These voices must speak out as loudly and often as they are able, before they are silenced by the neo-Soviet iron curtain slowly descending across the continent. They are Russia’s last, best hope.”
    May I explain you a little. You article is the best our propaganda item today. All of readers and members website InoForum laugh and ask each other : “Did they wrote this word seriosly?”. If you can translate from Russian language – yiu can red this opinions here : http://inoforum.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=1172&st=0
    Good wishes and write more. Wiht you articles you play on our pro-“Russian nationalist” side.

  5. Alex, judging from the selection of US articles that Inoforum selects to link it’s pretty obvious that they have an nationalist agenda. No surprise.

    And, the cement brained fascist or “pro-Nationalist side” commentors are right there to receive it. No surprise.

    I suspected when they selected and sanitized comments from the LR articles that they linked that they were failing to be honest.

    Here were mine in those article:

    Who cares if Stalin was a Georgian. His minions in the NKVD, those that renounced their neighbors, and those that ran the camps and those that still to this day respect him were and are Russians. Stalin’s evilness didn’t exist in a vacuum. He had a large part of the Russian population collaborating with him. He’s still popular in Russia.


    Hey, Просветленный, face it, Russians love “strong leaders” in the same manner that zoo animals love their keepers. Only the weak and the unimaginative captive loves being feed and housed.

    Your comments are ridiculous and only reinforce the stupidity that many in the West assign to Russians, so I would stop while you are ahead.


    Maidari, any clue in your mind as to the scope of the Russian economy’s emplosion right now? And, financing that spectacular Russian ascension back into a big world power player will come from where? It takes money, my friend, and, people that admire Russia of which there are very few.

    You utterance is amusing.

    Russia is a dump like Pakistan with a few rusty nuclear missles hardly envoking much fear now days. Pootie is only good for bringing your USSR sovok comfort zone of repression, poverty, ignorance, gulags and ignorable comical bluster back onto the world’s stage. Enjoy your life. Glad to be not sharing it.

    I understand the selective better omission now.

  6. Inoforum.ru – a place opened for different opinions. At a forum people argue and discuss. We will be grateful to you if you offer us articles to transfer and discussion. Thanks.

  7. Ooops, should have been “I understand the selective omission better now”.

    Inoforum.ru – a place opened for different opinions.

    That remains to be seen.

  8. 2penny:

    Hey you, the smartest one, you see, this site is a trap for you, because we actually translate and post there materials from “free” Western media, from New York Times, from Wallstreet Journal, from Washington Post. So what’s the problem? You can’t accuse us in any kind of using Putin’s propaganda, because we actually don’t read our newspapers, we read yours. And make our conclusi0ns of course. So you’re telling that those American newpapers are actually making “cement brained fascist” from us? That’s very interesing.

  9. I suspected when they selected and sanitized comments from the LR articles that they linked that they were failing to be honest.


    Well, why do we need to do that? This whole site is a big piece of $hit :-D But go on, it makes my day all the time!

  10. Wow, you can’t be serious, guys! Russians see this site precisely for what it is – obscurantist, racist and biased, and anything that it spews out concerning Russia as ignorant, opinionated, skewed and fit for a laugh. Your site is set to enjoy boundless popularity with the Inoforum audience, expect translations from your cesspool of hatred to become a regular feature there. Keep on raving.


    We are biased against Russians today in the same way Russians were biased against Germans in 1940 (probably you don’t know it because your press doesn’t tell you, but your government is regularly flying nuclear bombers over us and providing weapons and money to our enemies in Venezuela, Syria and Iran). We wonder if you express the same thoughts about Vladimir Putin’s bias against NATO and the USA. Do you? Racist? Russian isn’t a race, it’s a nationality, you moron.

    Thanks for your support in getting LR more widely read in Russian!

  11. Well, you’re stupid!
    Read the smaller American press.

  12. LR: you gotta do something about spam! Pleease! this post has 51 topics so far of which 45 seems to be spam. I don’t know what options wordpress offers – maybe registration, or email addresses designated as “ham” (so subsequent comments don’t get into moderation queue


    It offers simple thing called a “delete” button, which we’ve used, as well as blocking the IP numbers of the spammers, also used. This is the result of being translated into Russian and circulated even more widely in the Russian blogosphere. We think it’s an interesting insight, well worth the trouble. Welcome to Russia!

    • Felix, не парьтесь насчет спама. Администрация сайта подсчитывает доходы.
      Будьте гуманистом. Пока мы у вас тут постимся администрация подсчитывает барыши. Мы же вам еще и рекламу делаем.
      Или все это действует на ваше неокрепшее сознание?

  13. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

    Yeah, it’s all about me,,,

    Да, я такой,,, “)

  14. Miroslav_Russia

    My dear American friends! Best regards!

  15. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

    I will advise to Dima to promote your site on his videoblog,,, you should have someone who speak Russian enough to make Russian version of Russophobe:

    Лё Русофоб
    Почему мы вас ненавидим
    Мы хотим спасти Россию

    With all those brilliant perls like “drunk Russian pigs” you’re doomed to success in Russian blogosphere,,,

  16. No kudos for that lamest possible excuse. Try telling the Jews, who do not constitute a different racial group from Caucasians, that Nazism was not racism brought to the extreme. And also try naming a site Le Judophobe. If it doesn’t work that way, why should it work with any other ethnic phobia? You moron. Incidentally, I’m Afrikaner, not Russian.

  17. “great Russian patriots like Valeria Novodvorskaya and Yulia Latynina” – the most ridiculous place in the article )))


    Russians always have great problems identifying their patriots. The Tsar tried to murder Dostoevsky and did murder Pushkin. The USSR murdered Babel and expelled Solzhenitsyn. This is why Russia is such a backward country, where men like you cannot expect to reach age 60 and work for $4/hour. It’s really quite sad, your ignorance.

  18. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

    Nothing gives me more lolz than Novodvorskaya,,,
    I will decorate her with an order,,,later,,, “)

  19. аффтар, пышы исчо!

    и как можно чаще оставляй тут ссылки на


  20. The hard worker

    Америка – Твоя АМЕРИКАНСКАЯ демократия МНЕ – НЕ НУЖНА!!! ОСТАВЬ ЕЁ СЕБЕ. Я вовремя понял, ЧТО ЭТО ТАКОЕ, слава богу. Я люблю МОЮ РОССИЮ и уважаю своего президента. Мое пожелание Тебе: Открой свои глаза Америка, посмотри вокруг, прислушайся к голосам в мире, ты многому удивишься, и многое о себе узнаешь. Ты поймешь – мало, кто верит тебе. Твоя СВОБОДА – ОБМАН. Тебя жаль Америка.

    America – your AMERICAN democracy – is not NECESSARY for me!!! LEAVE her to ITSELF. I in time have understood, THAT THIS SUCH, thank God. I love MY RUSSIA and I respect the president. My wish to you: Open the eyes America, look around, listen to voices in the world, you to much will be surprised, and much about yourself find out. You will understand – a little who trusts you. You’re FREEDOM – the DECEIT. You America are a pity.

    • А над чем же мы тогда будем смеяться долгими зимними вечерами в промерзжих землянках;)? Не, согласен с абырвалгом. Аффтар, за произведение на сцену:)))))

  21. Roberth, где же Roberth. Неужели использует Инет в рабочее время? Или это наоборот у него работа такая;)?

  22. Читая перевод иностранной прессы я лучше начинаю понимать западных политиков. При этом мне очень жаль западное общество. В место того чтобы определить причины своих проблем прозападные политики ищут врага нации, чтобы в ненависти народ винил за все проблемы кого-то еще. Как я понял это не спроста, ваши чиновники готовят к какой-то войне.
    И к сожалению свободных СМИ в Европе (которые могли бы Вам рассказать что происходит) практически нету, в качестве доказательства приведу вам простой пример.
    Все мы знаем про войну 08.08.08 (5 дневную войну Грузия – Южная Асетия – Россия), в первый день войны (В этот день небело русской армии в Грузии, Были миротворцы численность которых составляло ~300 человек, против Армии Грузии ~ 3500) когда системами град бомбили мирный город Цхенвали (что является уже доказательством геноцида ) я специально просматривал иностранные СМИ и расспрашивал своих знакомых за границей что происходит. На сайтах все внимание было к Олимпиаде, знакомые говорили, что не чего не происходит. И только после того как Россия подошла к разрушенному Цхенвали все СМи заголосили, что оказывается Россия, напала на Грузию.
    Стад и позор не свободным СМИ в западных странах!!!

  23. I unlike some other posters have lived for years in both countries American and Russia…..I will say this….live in someone else’s shoes before you make judgment on anything of this nature.


    Aren’t you just make excuses to do nothing and reform nothing and fail?

    • I think you’ve followed the wrong track when pointing the finger…..I was alluding to comments made about Americans. I believe I am more of an authority on America than some posters….and as much of an authority on Russia as some claim to be.

  24. The hard worker

    Америка – У моих детей нет моих долгов, а у твоих? Стыдно за тебя Америка.

    America – At my children is not present my duties, and at yours? It is a shame with you America.

  25. Live only with your shame and I will atone for mine in my own time and way without your guidance.
    It’s odd to hear a horse speaking from the opposite end.

  26. The hard worker

    Искупай, только не обосрись.

    Expiate, only do not do in trousers.

  27. Novodvorskaya is a patriot? Haha. May be she is the patriot of USA or or Israel, but not Russia.
    Inoforum supports Putin’s policy because he doesn’t want Russia be US raw colony without it’s past and future. Realations between USA and Russian Federation is not a question of love and hatred but a question of survival.

  28. The hard worker

    К Andrew
    Гнилые вы.
    Жаль, что в ночную смену работать, пообщались бы

    Rotten you.
    It is a pity, that in a night shift to work, would communicate

  29. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

    Don’t call me pindophobe! I like those gays,,
    Andrew, Incontryvlad! Stop it please; I cannot work to save my country while you make me laugh hysterically all the time!

  30. Всем чмоки в этом чате

  31. Я когда читаю Ваши статьи я плачу от смеха, правда! :) Пишите еще.
    When I read your article, I cry with laughter, the truth! :) Write more.


    The USSR cried with laughter at Solzhenitsyn, then deported him. He was right, they were wrong, and history proved this. Your illiteracy with your own history would be hysterically funny to us, if it was not so devastatingly tragic.

  32. “When I read your article, I cry with laughter, the truth! :) Write more.”- agree at all. I have real fun. Let show-idiots go on!!! 2 Penny write more too…
    With love from Sibirea!!!


    Do you find it “funny” that Russia loses 1 million from its population every year, and that Siberiais becoming an empty graveyard? Doou find it “funny” that Russian men don’t live to age 60 and work for $4/hour? Do you find it “funny” that Russia is still govered by the KGB even after the USSR destroyed itself with KGB help?

    You laugh yourself right into the dustbin of history, just like Tsarist Russia and USSR. It is shameful.

  33. “Do you find it “funny” that Russia loses 1 million from its population every year, and that Siberiais becoming an empty graveyard? Doou find it “funny” that Russian men don’t live to age 60 and work for $4/hour?”
    Ofcourse it is not funny. And we should remember that all this sh*t have made “leberals” appointed by US government.
    God bless former KGB officers because that trying to change this situation and to solve this problems.


    But they haven’t solved them, the problems have gotten much worse! Just look at the economy! It’s in shambles! And yet you defend and rationalize their actions rather than demanding reform.

    You allowed the KGB to destroy the USSR, and now you let them destroy Russia, and you laugh as it happens. It’s pathetic.

    • God will not bless KGB officers who pretend to be priests to shrive the people.

    • В Советском Союзе уровень производства был в десятки (!) раз выше, чем сейчас. Переход к рынку и либерализация не дали ничего!

      In the Soviet Union the level of production was in the dozens (!) Times higher than now. The transition to a market economy and liberalization have given anything!

  34. *all this sh*t have been made by “liberals” (forgetting English)

    “Your illiteracy with your own history would be hysterically funny to us, if it was not so devastatingly tragic”

    Вы мне напоминаете одного хорошего друга моего отчима, который живет в Канаде. Он тоже считает, также как и Вы, что в России жизнь не выносима, однако, его лучший друг, мой отчим живет уже более 5 лет и говорит, что он абсолютно счастлив. Жил он в Канаде 7 лет, пока не умерла его жена. много интересного рассказывает о ваших северо-американских нравах. А пообщавшись с его другом, который бежал в 1990 году из СССР я понял, что Вы, люди, которые живете там не обладаете полной информации о нашей жизни, живете по догадкам. Он всё удивлялся: “wow у Вас и Scype есть? А сколько у вас в городе пользуются интернетом?” Очень смешно, не правда ли? Вы самая-самая прогрессивная страна в плане информации, а не знаете какой уровень интернета в городах или не хотите знать. А Вы были в России? сколько у Вас друзей в России? Что Вы вообще знаете о нас? Что вы имеете ввиду под историей? Наша история насчитывает более тысячи лет. Что касается того, что мы не доживаем до 60, это конечно прескорбно, но есть одна очень замечательная история об Орле (птица такая -Орёл) Сравните орла и коршуна, один питается мясом, а другой падалью, один живет десятилетия, а другой столетия. Выводы делать Вам. Удачи!
    P.S. Мой английский на столько плох, что дабы не оскорблять Вам моим сквернословием, предлагаю вам воспользоваться Google translater
    P.S. My English so bad at that so as not to offend you by my foul language, I suggest you to use Google translater


    Perhaps you mean that you do not wish to admit any imperfection on your part, because you are an egomaniac?

    And we must wonder: If your English is so bad, are you quite sure you understand the statements in English to which you respnd?

  36. Thank you inoforum for translating LR’s article. Thank you even more for bringing out so many Sharikovs! I usually don’t visit Zavtra and other Prohanov-like sites, so it’s good to get a reminder how imbecile they actually are. Let me point just one utterance from the fellow above:

    Что касается того, что мы не доживаем до 60 … есть одна очень замечательная история об Орле. Сравните орла и коршуна, один питается мясом, а другой падалью, один живет десятилетия, а другой столетия

    So Russian Eagles eat meat and therefore live decades, whereas western vultures eat carrion and live centuries. I can only wonder if the Eagles have cell phones, TVs or toilets – and where are those designed?

    It is the material worthy not even comedians – we are moving in the domain of psychiatrists. And these people pity the Western vultures. I left that swamp twenty years ago, and sadly, twenty years later it’s still a swamp! Well – enjoy

  37. Mr. Felix. I am an internationalist. But when I’m reading posts like your I’m beggining to understand so called “anti-semits”.

  38. Александр

    ЦРУ волнуется о судьбе России больше чем сами Россияне))) Вероятно планируют эмигрировать к нам)) Флот США уже тихой цапой заползает в Севастополь, под шумок местных аборигенов “Янки гоу хоум!!”
    Летчики слезно умоляют Туркменов не закрывать базу в Манасе: “Ну кому мы нужны в США? В Афгане страшно, там Талибы”…..

    Это к докладу ЦРУ о прогнозах «2025 год. Мир после кризиса»

  39. Yeahhh, guys… I see you are more russians that native russians are. Ok. But it’s funny.

    P.S. Could you please write more about Novodvorskaya? I guess, it would be the most popular parts of your texts, cause russians “love” this crazy soviet-style lady.


    We’ve never written anything “about” Valeria, we’ve translated her writings from Russian into English. If you’d like to read more of her writing, point your browser to Grani.ru, where she’s a superstar.


      Ok, sorry guys. I’d better use the verb ‘mention’ instead ‘write’ :-) But I stress: every reference to Ms. Novodvorskaya in your texts will provoke unambiguous interest to your site. And I don’t like these marginal persons from grani.ru .

      P. S. Which of two meaning of the word “russian” do you mean in your title?


      Neither, you I-M-B-E-C-I-L-E.

      We mean the term as we define it, which we have done CLEARLY in our header under “russophobia.”

      If you are such an ignoramus, and so rude, that you cannot even read our blog before making conclusions about it, then you should not comment about your conclusions publicly. It only makes you look like a total fool.

  40. Dear Kritik,
    Is that the best (the most rational) argument that you can get? Oh, well – it just proves my point. See, I live in the US, and most people here feel the same way as Churchill said: “We are not anti-Semites. We don’t think that Jews are any smarter than us”. You, obviously beg to differ! As I said, I am glad that I am here and you are there

  41. Дорогой критик, тут и оставайся, и я тоже буду доволен.

  42. Извиняюсь, это относиться к Феликсу.

  43. Felix, I just wanted to say that ussually a man that speaks about his motherland in a such way is a bastard or a jew (because of not considering “this country” motherland) . It is not a question of mind, religion or skin colour. Anyway I’ve seen enough patriotic jews that why I’m still an internationalist.

  44. Kritik,

    First, your premise is weird. I left USSR, and I lived in the place that’s now Latvia. Why should I consider Russia to be “motherland” and be patriotic to Russia, is not clear to me!

    Second, and more important. I would say the same thing even if I lived in Russia, and not in Latvia. How did you earn the right to judge whether I am a “patriotic” jew or not? And why do you think that your definition of who is patriotic carries more weight than, say, Novodvorskaya or Limonov?

    Third, what makes me unpatriotic in your eyes? The fact that i said that Russia is the same swamp as the USSR was 20 years ago? OK, I’ll rephrase. If I thought that Russia’s inhabitants are fairly represented by certain writers on this blog, I would conclude that Russia is the same swamp as USSR. Better now?

    Not sure what you mean by “this country” or mind religion or skin colour.

    I am glad that you consider yourself an internationalist, but frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn. I am sure Suslov and my замполит also considered themselves internationalists, and they brought more disgrace to USSR than all emigrating Jews combined.

  45. to LR
    Почему Вы врете своим читателям? Ведь на inoforum все комментарии высмеивают Вашу позицию и Ваши статьи. Высмеивается Ваша пещерная руссофобия людей, которые даже не знают реальное положение вещей в России, а судят либо по своим прошлым воспоминаниям, либо по пропаганде англосаксонских СМИ. Хотите знать мнение Россиян на Ваши попытки втоптать в грязь Великую Россию – попытайтесь перевести все комментарии читателей, а не выборочно те, которые вам понравились больше. то есть те которые хоть как-то поддерживают вашу гнилую позицию. Постарайтесь доказать нам, читателям из России, что у вас действительно есть свобода слова для всех, а не только для тех кто вас поддерживает – перевидите все комментарии и тогда можно будет говорить о свободе слова. А так это все передергивание фактов и обман читателей!


    We have never said that the comments on InoForum agreed with our text, we don’t WANT them to do so. It’s difficult to understand why you would think we would want our words to be seen by those who already agree with us. Obviously, the whole point is to confront those who do NOT agree, only in that way can we have any effect. Your ignorance is truly mind-boggling.

    By the way, did it ever occur to you that since you, quite obviously, don’t speak English, you don’t really understand what you are talking about and can’t read this blog on your own? Isn’t it rather outrageous to form conclusions about things you can’t understand?


  46. У нас на inoforum.ru есть раздел “Задай вопрос …” Предлагаю включить в раздел нашего форума “задать вопрос LR”, а Вы на своем сайте сделаете подобную рубрику “задай вопрос представителям inoforum”. Потом мы обменяемся вопросами и ответами на эти вопросы. Возможно вы тогда получите ответы на свои вопросы из первоисточника, а не от людей, которые помнят Россию только по советским воспоминаниям детства. Или вам это слабо?

    We on inoforum.ru have a section “ask a question…” I suggest to include in section of our forum “to ask question LR”, and you on the site will make a similar heading “ask a question to representatives inoforum”. Then we will exchange questions and answers to these questions. Probably you then will get answers to the questions at the fountain-head, instead of from people who remember Russia only on the Soviet childhood memories. Or to you it is weak?


    We’ll be happy to answer any questions InoForum readers may have. They should be addressed to us at our e-mail address, which is published at the top of our home page. In all probabilty, we will only need to respond with links to our web pages, since it is likely that any question that might be asked has already been answerd here. In fact, your readers might simply use our search engine and read our blog for themselves? Или вам это слабо?

  47. Why is it that for the Obvious Russians posting here, “patriotism” is a word both holy and dirty at the same time? Why is it that if a person obviously loves the country they live in, enough to try to make it a better place -and if that trying goes against the official policies, then they’re automatically not patriots. And that said in a tone that actually means “not humans, to be made into glue”? A person can love a country and completely disagree with its current politics and that’s ok. I mean, look at LR – they’re obviously patriotic to USA, but at the same time seriously disagree with the current politics. That, however, does not make LR a revolutionary force that needs to be culled by the authorities. Which it would if it were Russian and disagreeing with the official politics as much and as publicly as it is disagreeing with US politics now.

  48. Felix, I wasn’t borne in РСФСР too (and never lived in it). But I was borne in USSR. And I would never call my motherland USSR а swamp.
    The fact that Novodvorskaya isn’t a Russian patriot is so obvious for me like the facts that I’m a human, I have two hands and one head.

  49. And by the way – I’m not ethnic russian.

  50. Why is it that for the Obvious Russians posting here, “patriotism” is a word both holy and dirty at the same time? Why is it that if a person obviously loves the country they live in, enough to try to make it a better place -and if that trying goes against the official policies, then they’re automatically not patriots. And that said in a tone that actually means “not humans, to be made into glue”? A person can love a country and completely disagree with its current politics and that’s ok. I mean, look at LR – they’re obviously patriotic to USA, but at the same time seriously disagree with the current politics. That, however, does not make LR a revolutionary force that needs to be culled by the authorities. Which it would if it were Russian and disagreeing with the official politics as much and as publicly as it is disagreeing with US politics now.

  51. Many Thanks for respond! I love you! Please do not be offended! I have real fun becouse all your wrighting about Russia (patic. about my Siberia in sm articles) have child look on existing problems (KGB, MedvePutin and etc.). So i am like all childs and his fun life look without understandig! Go on!

  52. Kritik,
    Unfortunately, you missed my point. The question isn’t what you think of Novodvorskaya. The question is what gives you the right to judge others’ patriotism. And to make it crystal clear – same applies to me; therefore I never jusdge your or anybody else’s patriotism, either.

    • Unfortunately many Russians still have the indoctrinated form of “Patriotism” the “my country right or wrong” form that has poisoned the world for far too long.

      Better the “I love my country but…….” form where you love the good but work to fix the bad.

      As I said about “Kritik”, he and his ilk are human, but they lack any form of humanity in there psychological make up.

  53. Ok Felix.
    Here is a quote:
    “Если бы США напали на Россию, для нас это было бы хорошо. Для России лучше быть штатом США. Но я думаю, что мы американцам не нужны. Поэтому нам надо готовиться к войне с тупостью, деградацией и реставрацией советских порядков.”
    I’ll try to translate:
    “If USA attcked Russia, it would be good for us. It would be better for Russia to be a state of USA. But I think americans don’t needs us. Thats why we should prepare for war with foolishness degradation and restoration of the Soviet order.”
    Do you think it is the words of Russian patriot?

  54. Best example for my words – your big mistake with web site inoforum or may be you not understand yet?


    The mark of a true psychotic is his belief that only he “understands” and that anyone who disagrees is insane.

    The emptiness of your childish words belies the emptiness of your childish brain.

    It’s difficult to understand why you would think we would want our words to be seen by those who already agree with us. Obviously, the whole point is to confront those who do NOT agree, only in that way can we have any effect. Your ignorance is truly mind-boggling.

  55. *Do you think these are words of the Russian patriot?
    Sori foR my inglish. Ze KGB offitser zet taught me, vaz almost human in ‘psychological make up’ and he’ve beat me not veri strongly. Zets why I and guys from my platoon still make mistakes.

  56. LA RUSSOPHOBE, spik inglish pliz. Ve can’t understand so complicated phrasez.

  57. Answer for 1 part of respond “The mark of a true psychotic is …”:
    I requested not to take offense! But do not take the gun and wishes to go near the school! Pleeeeease!
    Answer for 2 part of respond “It’s difficult to understand…”:
    It’s not difficult to understand why peoples like you afraid Russia? (Dont tell me please about bloody MedvePut ) Realy we are have many problems and for someone in Russia to understand you need to operate with the realities and not with fantasies.

  58. Answer for 1 part of respond “The mark of a true psychotic is …”:
    I requested not to take offense! But do not take the gun and wishes to go near the school! Pleeeeease!

  59. Answer for 2 part of respond “It’s difficult to understand…”:
    It’s not difficult to understand why peoples like you afraid Russia? (Dont tell me please about bloody MedvePut ) Realy we are have many problems and for someone in Russia to understand you need to operate with the realities and not with fantasies.

  60. Andrew, Vhen KGB find yu, yu vill have polonium diahorrea :P


    A true friend of Russia would not want to make it seem her people are barbaric gorillas. You are Russia’s enemy.


    Our posted comment guidelines clearly state that comments must relate to the topic of the post, and questions are to be asked by e-mail. You have ignored our rules and spammed our blog. Therefore we not only delete your comment but ban you from commenting further. We own this blog, not you. It is our forum, not yours. If you can’t follow our rules, get lost.

  62. Вы слабый, безвольный и ограниченный человек не способный делать элементарные выводы. На этом я заканчиваю, варитесь в своем котле не знаний, штампов и заблуждений. Всего доброго, не уважаемый и до свидания


    You are a psychopath. This blog is FULL of comments attacking us, including many written from Russians. You have violated our comment rules. You are banned. Congratulations!

  64. May I start with pointing out your mistake? You wrote, “This same website, by the way, we praised for having translated Oleg Kozlovsky’s op-ed in the Washington Post when it appeared several months ago, attentive readers will recall.” That is simply not true. Your memory is not so good, I guess. Our Inoforum was created less than two months ago and could not publish anything written “several months ago”.


    We don’t quite understand what you mean as far as “InoSMI” vs. “InoForum” are concerned, but you are right that it was “InoSMI” that we had in mind.


    If indeed they are not the same we apologize for our error.

    Next. You worry that one day our site will be closed for publishing your (or similar) essays. Do not despair. OUR site, the Inosmi.ru, was closed by the enemies of Putin, Medvedev and the people of Russia. They decided that the West should see more of the complacent, self-effacing Russians who would give standing applauds to every “western expert” with his/her inane advice how to become “just like us, Americans”. We had to open the alternative site where we can openly laugh at such obtuse views at Russia as you and SOME of your compatriots are displaying. Keep writing, Kim, and we will keep laughing! That’s a promise!


    The fact that you find it funny that Russia’s government has caused a huge number of Americans to adopt a hostile atitude towards Russia and ruin its relations with the United States indicates that you are not someone who is worth taking seriously, but rather a crude thug of the type for which Russia is justly famous. The fact is, we couldn’t care less why you translate our material into Russian for free and circulate it among thousands of Russians, only that you do. Hopefully, you will have the courage to translate more of our work, especially of the type that documents Putin’s errors, like this one:

    EDITORIAL: More Epic Russian Failure

    Do you have the courage to translate it, or are you afraid? Do you find it “funny” that Russia’s repatriation and military education programs have failed spectacularly, at tremendous cost?

    Your site, according to some bloggers, is financially supported by Mr.Berezovsky, but I disagree. All his projects are so dull and stupid that they look like genetically challenged kids of the genetically deficient parent.
    Same with Mr.Khodorkovsky – his projects are complete failures, too. Kasparov is in the same group. Mirilashvili, in my opinion, has ran out of his ill gotten millions long time ago. So, who are you, Kim Sigfeld? With 35 (thirty five!!!) followers at the facebook and a few visitors here, who is paying for the trash you are spewing here for years and years? You know, one day you will slip, and we, the bloggers and the readers, will have the last laugh. It will be thunderous!


    Kim’s name is Zigfeld, you igoramus, and she’s only one of many people who work to publish this blog. If you read it, you will see for example that we publish professional quality translations from the Russian press, including Grani.ru.

    “A few” visitors? We have over 3,000 visitors per day, by far the most of any independent Russia blog in the English language Please stop lying.

    “According to some bloggers”? Why do you mention their absurd statements when you know they are false? Would you like to accuse us instead of being a creation of the CIA? Are you that paranoid and ignorant?

    “Completel failures”? You mean like Kutuzov failed when Napoleon marched into Moscow? Like Solzhenitsyn failed when he was deported from Russia? Perhaps your definition of “success” tells you that the Putin economy is doing well? If so, you are truly a neo-Soviet imbecile.

    Didn’t the USSR also plan to have the “last laugh” over the USA? Do you have any idea at all how ridiculously childish and ignorant your remarks make you seem to us?


    We have never said that the comments on InoForum agreed with our text, we don’t WANT them to do so. It’s difficult to understand why you would think we would want our words to be seen by those who already agree with us. Obviously, the whole point is to confront those who do NOT agree, only in that way can we have any effect. Your ignorance is truly mind-boggling.

    By the way, did it ever occur to you that since you, quite obviously, don’t speak English, you don’t really understand what you are talking about and can’t read this blog on your own? Isn’t it rather outrageous to form conclusions about things you can’t understand?


    Не кажется ли вам, что раз я пишу здесь означает что я в полной мере понимаю ваши словесные помои. А то что что вы написали в конце своего сообщения я рассматриваю как вашу подпись, которая полностью отображает вашу сущность! так что удачи вам “Moron”. Думаю что любопытство читателей inoforum.ru поднял рейтинг этого болота раз так в 10-20.
    без уважения к вам и вашим приспешникам.

    Человек любящий свою Родину – Россию!

    Whether it seems to you that time I write here means that I to the full understand your verbal slops. And that that you have written that in the end of the message I consider as your signature which completely displays your essence! So good luck to you “Moron”. I think that curiosity of readers inoforum.ru was lifted by a rating of this bog of times so at 10-20.
    Without respect for you and your henchmen.
    The person loving the Native land – Russia!

  66. It’s interesting that post-Soviet (“unkneeling”) Russians need to assert their patriotism through allegiance to Putin’s government and hate towards its enemies (“pindosy”). It reminds me how puzzled I was that a lot of Americans needed to assert their patriotism through opposition to the government (especially when it is Republican government). Seems that their motto is “dissent is patriotic”. Both approaches annoy me, since both are irrational.

    But the difference tells a lot about how people understand the concept of patriotism. Novodvorskaya is typical patriot for an American (“Our goverment is fascist, and people are lemmings”); and the kids singing “Obama gonna lead us” is the natural expression of patriotism for most Russians.



  68. Почему банется мой вопрос про “шахматиста” Б. ?

  69. Задам вопрос иначе:
    “Шахматисту” Б. установили сувенирную кнопку?

  70. La Truephobe в ответах уже давно перешел на личностные оскорбления своих посетителей! :))) Принцип цивилизованной дискуссии ему (ей) в принципе не знаком! Стандартная уловка либералисимуса обосрать все и всех не внимая ни каким аргументам со стороны. LR действует как обычный интернетный троль. LR ты хоть в России то бывал? или судишь по жизни в РФ только по картине “Бурлаки на волги”?

  71. Не догнали.
    Бобик сдох.


    Во, бля проскочило!

  73. Идет мужик по берегу озера, видит: какой-то парень черпает рукой воду из
    озера и пьет. Мужик кричит:
    – Зачем ты пьешь эту грязную воду, сюда все мусор бросают, заводы отходы
    сливают, со всей деревни говносток сюда выходит!
    – What did you say?
    – Да я говорю: двумя руками черпай!

  74. Была у лисички избушка ледяная, а у медведя берлога…
    Пришла лисичка, задубела сучка, кнопку принесла, пусти дядя миш…
    А он как ей ёбнет дрыном.

  75. Dear foreigners, anti-semitic and otherwise. Do the world a favor and stuck your “Russia will crumble” mantras up your arses. We will survive, if only to mock you.


    What will you call yourself when you “survive” this time? Russian Empire became USSR, USSR became Russian Federation. What next? China?

  76. Dear blood fairy,

    It is the Russians who are anti-semitic.
    And anti Caucasian,
    and anti balt,
    and anti Ukrainian,
    and anti Kazakh

    My what a vile people you are.

  77. Нет, лично я стал АМЕРИКАНОФОБОМ.
    А чем фольклор то не понравился?

  78. and…..
    and ……. WHAT?
    OK OK OK
    anti human
    anti martian
    anti Jedi
    Only RUSSIAN!!!!
    Only RED POWER!!!!


  79. Now Pansy Elf,

    You really are a simple child.
    Russian agression against it’s neigbors is nothing new.
    Just ask anyone in eastern Europe.
    Small wonder the “great Russian people” are so universally loathed.
    But what other drivel can we expect from the greatest mass murderers in history?

    • And now Andrew,

      You really are a stupid american-paid troll.
      How much do they pay you for each comment?


      Shouldn’t you first tell us how much the Kremlin pays you so we can compare?

      Personal insults of fellow commenters are not allowed on this blog, which you would know if you read our clear comment guidlelines published in our header. Of course, reading is difficult for an illiterate barbarian like you, so we’ll give you one more chance. One more insult, and you’re banned, cretin. You make Russia look like a land of apes. Think about it — if you can think, which we doubt.

      • I wear your hate like a medal.

        Now Sphynx, I don’t get paid for this.
        It is the sacred duty of the free to shine light into darkness.

        And Russia is a very dark place, especially when it is filled with people who think like you.

        You are the sort of person who would have been quite happy helping to kill them 62,000,000 people murdered by the Russian dominated USSR.

      • Shouldn`t you first let him answer himself ? I hadn`t offend you. And now I shall speak to YOU the style YOU speak to me. You are illiterate barbarian yourself. May be I am resentful man but Andrew has offended me first, earlier at the parallel branch, so this is my deal.
        “Personal insults of fellow commenters are not allowed on this blog, which you would know if you read our clear comment guidlelines published in our header” ????
        – Try to teach him first manque moralist.
        What about my pay? This question have been allready asked. I don`t like repeats. Read carefully and do your job carefully. Best regards to your Berezovsky and his Grani.ru.
        Only despicable men can work on this criminal.


        If you’d like to follow the rules of this blog and point out a comment that violates our rules by sending us the link in an e-mail, we’ll be happy to review it and, if a violation is found, delete the comment. Meanwhile, if you don’t follow our rules you’ll be banned. If you don’t like our rules, don’t read our blog much less try to comment on it. Your “comments” have little if anything to do with the topic of our posts and contain no substance of any kind, much less do they add value in the form of links to new source material. You are a total waste of space, in other words.

        • I did answer you Sphyncter.

          Your assinine posts show you to be a first rate Putinista putanka.
          Typical of the poorly educated Russian masses unfortunately.

        • As for not liking repeats, well you spout the same Russian agitprop again and again.

          Do unto others…..

  80. И это всё ?, подожди скоро китайцы подтянутся – вышибать долги.

  81. Андре, что не пост,то гнилой Американский лозунг, от себя что нибудь можешь?

  82. Кипит мозг дермократа, ладно изучай фольлор и про китайцев незабудь.
    Позже поболтаем, меня работа ждет.

  83. How many eastern Europians did you ask yourself mr. Liar?

  84. I wear your hate like a medal.

    Now Sphynx, I don’t get paid for this.
    It is the sacred duty of the free to shine light into darkness.

    And Russia is a very dark place, especially when it is filled with people who think like you.

    You are the sort of person who would have been quite happy helping to kill them 62,000,000 people murdered by the Russian dominated USSR
    Андрюха, чего кричишь – то, потренеруйся со своими парнями в Ираке или Афгане, только гамбургер прожуй.
    Они воюют за бабло или идею?

  85. Андрюха=Andrew, Ты чего на моего брата болгарина прешь хер мамин?

  86. Подумаешь ошибся человек в попыхах.
    Я- то думаю, что это запуганный индеец.


    Kim’s name is Zigfeld, you –igoramus,– and she’s only one of many people who work to publish this blog.
    Kimmy, Kimmy!
    you lose it when you are mad!
    Tell me why should I translate that mad raving of yours if the data has been available in Russia for some time already?

    I suggest you tell your readers how many American taxpayers have no medical insurance and no hope even with the Obama’s ascend to get one.

    You tell them that the only comprehensive anti-war site, http://www.antiwar.com, has to beg its readers to help it every three months while pro-war neo-nazi are swimming in the money.

    You tell them how much each American taxpayer is giving to Israel every day!

    You tell them how the Military-Industial complex of America is robbing the country.

    You tell them how America’s leaders are sending young and disadvantaged to die for the rich and greedy in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and Africa

    It will be so much more patriotic than telling your compatriots how awful Russia is.

    Before looking over your neighbor’s fence make sure your own house is in order, dear.

    BTW, calling strangers morons, idiots and ignoramuses is very UNLADYLIKE.

    Seems you cojones are showing from under your skirt, m’dear!


    Yup, thought you lacked the courage.

    Kim neither reads nor responds to the comments on this blog. You flatter yourself to think otherwise, and your own hysterical emotionalism is classic Russian hypocrisy at its most amusing and pathetic.

  88. Первый, Первый, я Второй приём…

    Сказка. Окончание…(начало где-то выше)
    … знал мишка, лисичке поверить – себя обмануть.
    Зайка тому пример.

  89. andor_1 + пяцсот :)))) У меня складывается ощущение, что LA RUSSOPHOBE сидит в берушках или истинно глухая (фобия она моя же?) Так стоит ли тратить столь драгоценное время на общение с граммофонной пластинкой. доброй ночи и удачного дня ;) РОССИЯ ВПЕРЁД!!!

  90. @andor_1…..Well written commentary but like the news its best to use more than one source. Your accusations are slightly skewed.
    Example:”You tell them how America’s leaders are sending young and disadvantaged to die for the rich and greedy in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and Africa”…..You left out the part about “all volunteer military”…..not mandatory as it is in some countries where the male population doesn’t feel the need to support their nation, so must be forced by law to defend their countries ideals….whether they can be believed right or wrong.

  91. To InCountryVlad
    Немножко тебя поправлю.
    В “некоторых странах” служить Родине – святой долг настоящего мужчины, завещанный отцом и дедом, а в “некоторых “ – удел “добровольцев” подписавших контракт и ставших наемниками своей же страны.

  92. То Andrew
    Очень сожалею, но попробуй понять это на русском.

  93. These Putinista trolls aren’t to bright. Go to an english language blog and speak in russian. They all seem to be limited to the same old tired Soviet propaganda. Who’s opinion are they trying to sway with this drivel? There own? If you tell a lie enough, people will believe it. Wasn’t that herr Goebbels quote?

    Andrew, keep up the good work!

    • “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed”
      Adolf Hitler quotes (German Chancellor, leader of the Nazi party, 1889-1945)

      “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
      Joseph Goebbels quotes

      • I guess that Hitler and Joseph Goebbels were students of lenin:

        “A lie told often enough becomes truth”
        Vladimir Lenin quote

        After all, both Nazis and bolsheviks had their foundation in Karl Marx.

  94. To Obamayomama.
    Тебя возмущает, что русский без особого уважения вломился на твой blog?
    А как тебя уважать за то, что ты сделал

    и готовишь украинца к войне с русским
    К моему огорчению, не все эти blog англоязычные.

    To Andrew
    Где-то выше в blog промелькнуло слово Putanka, позволь тебе объяснить слово Putana в русском понимании:
    Путана –
    Проститутка, продающая себя иностранцу.
    Putana –
    The prostitute selling to the foreigner.
    Применяй его по назначению – к: Горбачёв, Ющенко, Саакашвили и им подобным.
    Obamayomama, ты любопытный экземпляр, увлекаешься “Mein Kampf ”?
    Sprechen deutsch?

    • K-19
      Sprechen sie deutsch scweinhunt, schwanzkopf? If anybody’s been reading Mein Kamp, it’s your little beady eyed nazi leader herr Putin. Even the Nashi is fashioned after the Hitler youth. You schmucks are incapable of an original thought, always stealing. No wonder your intellectual property laws are non-existent, there’s nothing intellectual to protect coming from Russia. Get yourself another bottle of cheap vodka and make yourself smarter.

  95. To LR
    Из специального рапорта:

    …blog , подобные LR, является отличным барометром настроений Российской прогрессивной молодежи, мощным стимулом к её консолидации перед лицом лживой и извращённой антироссийской пропаганды.

    Так же хочу отметить удовлетворительную работу наших агентов и провокаторов из среды американских обывателей…

    …выражаю опасение, что в свете последних изменений в отношениях Россия – США, достаточно тяжелом финансовом положении в самих Соединённых Штатах, LR blog может остаться без финансовой поддержки, в таком случае считаю возможным выделение денежных средств по нашей специальной линии ….

    … из выше изложенного считаю кибернетическую атаку на blog не только нецелесообразной, но даже глубоко ошибочной.

    To LR
    From the special report:

    … blog, similar LR, is an excellent barometer of moods of the Russian progressive youth, powerful stimulus to her consolidation before the person of the false and perverted antiRussian propagation.

    As I want to note satisfactory work of our agents and provokers from the environment of the American inhabitants …

    … I express fear, that in view of last changes in attitudes Russia – the USA, heavy enough financial position in the United States, LR blog can remain without financial support, in that case I think possible allocation of money resources on our special line ….

    … from higher stated I think cybernetic attack on blog not only inexpedient, but even deeply erroneous.

  96. To LR
    LR, ты наша супер прививка от всяких Горбачевых!
    Живи и процветай LR!

  97. To: K-19
    With love from Siberia!

  98. Greetings to Russophob’s!

    We from snow-covered Russia!
    To you it is terrible?



    Well, the sense that:

    (1) If you’re a man you probably won’t live to see age 60
    (2) You work for $4/hour or less
    (3) You’ll soon have a Chinese passport

    Yes, pretty terrible. To you it is funny? Stalin also was funny joke, and 20 million Russians killed hilarious?

    Why you hate Russia so much?

    “Не смеши мои подковы” (с)
    Китайский паспорт?! хахахахха, не льстите себе.

  100. For Andrew, Penny and others LR`s admirers.

    O morons I see that you may understand in Russian! SO I WILL SPEAK IN LANGUAGE OF FUTURE! Вы всё ещё живёте в начале 90-х, когла наш народ был весьма доверчив, но сейчас другое время. США рушится! Вы можете вспоминать 1992 также, как немцы в 1945 вспоминали свои “победы” 1941. А ведь всё могло быть иначе, но вас подвела ваша демократическая жадность и эгоизм.

    • The only mistake we made, you ape, was to treat the Russian people as friends in 1991 by trying to help them (funny how you scum forget all the money the US & Europe poured into Russia to try and prop up your state), and not punish them for their crimes. Russia = Mass murdering criminals

    • Another Brainstorm by the Russians. Let’s see, isolate ourselves from the rest of the world for decades, then wonder why nobody speaks our language. Common sense is definitely lacking in the Russian mind, guess that’s what happens when you kill everyone displaying the slightest amount of ambition.

    • Dear I am Russian ,

      If you read about the demographics of the russian language on this planet, you will discover that in a few years, the russian language will see that there were 100% more people speaking russian twenty (20) years ago.

      Why would anybody want to learn {OR SPEAK} the dying russian language?


  101. Russian will be a dead language in 50 years, even the Chinese know that the language of the future is ENGLISH, thats why so many of them speak it.

  102. “Russian will be a dead language in 50 years, even the Chinese know that the language of the future is ENGLISH, thats why so many of them speak it.” I can explain why Chinese and Russians speak ENGLISH! We are MUST KNOW LANG OF OUR ENEMY!

    • Actually the Chinese want good relations, especially military, with the US.
      They too understand that Russia is the real enemy, due to its imperialism and its peoples rabid xenophobia, and that the USA is vital to the Chinese economy.

    • Dim-Sky,
      That’s right, der fuhrer Putin needs to convince all you lemmings that the free world is your ENEMY, so you will fight for him to keep you a slave. Have another drink you poor schmuck. Russia could be a great country if only you could shed your dictatorial government. But that won’t happen as long as people like you support your own enslavement. Bottoms Up! I’ll drink to that!

  103. Actually New Sky, the Chinese want good relations, especially military, with the US, they see Russian scum like yourselves as the real enemy.

  104. I am live near China. I am talking with chinese. They are dont like enyone no chinese. But USA they are realy HATE, not as Russian.

    • That shouldn’t come as a surprise, you moron. It’s not like most Chinese have access to the truth, as obviously you don’t either. Unfortunately, the truth hurts, especially when you find out what a bunch of murders your country has been over the years. The U.S. has an all volunteer military that fights to liberate enslaved peoples. Unfortunately there are way to many knotheads who seem to enjoy being slaves.

  105. Thats funny, several of my friends have Chinese wives, and they all hate Russia. Guess it depends on who you ask, but in China, only the governments opinion matters, and they are not too keen on Russia (you still occupy large chunks of their territory you stole in the 19th C)

  106. “Actually the Chinese want good relations, especially military, with the US.” Change “Chinese” on “Russia” and it will be true too! Do you now about NATO – Russia relations. The sens is in “take yuor enemy too close”!

  107. new-sky, Russia is a bandit nation that has deliberately murdered millions of its own people, and those it colonised throughout history, being responsible for around 62,000,o00 government murders (twice as many murders as ALL those who died in all the wars of the 20th Century), and now you are heading back towards the same totalitarian system. You should be ashamed.

  108. The other thing is that China will get its good relations with the US, China is (for all its faults) a rational state, as opposed to the criminal KGB mafia that run, and the xenophobic scum that inhabit, Russia

  109. obamayomama: Bla-bla-bla! Go read more your lovely comics were you get information about countries in the world!

  110. Besides, it is blatantly obvious that Obamayomama knows far more about world affairs than you do “New-Sky”, your pathetic attempts really do shame even barbarian Russia.

  111. Andrew, “you still occupy large chunks of their territory you stole in the 19th C” its look of Mao. Patic. he told about Siberia as China territory. No one chinese never living on this territory. Its histirical territory of mongolian, kazah, kirgiz etc. On this moment we are have not territ. problems with China.
    About Chinese. I told you that Chinese dont like any nation not Chinese. They are can smile to you, and when you turnd arround spit on the back.

    • Funny, sounds like a perfect description of Russians to me.
      At least the Chinese have 1. A culture, and 2. Are polite and 3. Are civilised.
      As opposed to Russians, which are the opposite of all 3.

  112. Why KGB? Its all your knowledge? Better wright CHK!

  113. According to what you write, you both have never been to Russia, especially in China. And explore the world, I advise you not to newspapers but to communicate with people living in their own country. What prevents you to visit Egypt, Turkey, Thailand, China, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Israel, Latin America and talk to people? I am with my income at 4 dollars an hour can afford it.

    • Actually MORON, I have been to Moscow, I have also been to China, Korea, UK, Canada, USA (Mainland & Hawaii) Singapore, Samoa, Georgia etc.

    • Dim-sky,
      I have lived in Thailand and visited Japan, Philipines, Hong Kong, Okinawa, Guam. Was thinking of going to Russia a few years ago, but decided not to. Probably get knifed in the back by a schmuck like you. You are the one lacking in world experience if you believe the lies you are spewing.

  114. I never say “You are Moron” (еducation does not allow). But any Russian Can tell you – MOSCOW is NOT RUSSIA!!! Unfortunatly I have never been in Samoa and Georgia yet but i have many frands in this countries! May be this summer.

  115. Sorry not Samoa – im about Suomi

  116. So where is Moscow then? Mars?

  117. And you being Russian, I would not really reccomend a trip to Georgia this summer.
    To much chance of being murdered by your own “Glorious Russian Army” this June.

  118. Andrew

    My mother and wife with my daughter spent his holliday in last summer in . It was in august. They left Abkhazia in 5 august i.e. a few days before the war commenced. The people of Abkhazia are very friendly with Russians, moreover they love Russians. They obliged Russians because we defend him from Georgian`s puppets of NATO. My relatives said that Abkhazia was the most beautiful place in the world. They are going to visit there in next holiday again! If Georgians don`t like us so we won`t be sad. We have no necessity to visit Georgia because we will go to Abkhazia!

    About my language. I`m Russian native speakers and I my children also. I`m proud of my language. But I learn also another languages. I learned German, French, Suomi (Finland) and English. I do it because I love another cultures also. In 19 century the most of Russian`s noblemen spoke in 2-3 forin language and it only improved our language. I love Shakespear e.g. It doesn`t mean that I or my children will forget our native in any time. There are many praiseworthy people among all country. I have many good friends who belong to different nationalities (Ukrainians, Bellorussians, Georgians, Armenians, Finlands, Americans etc.). But unfortunately also some rubbish among any nationality (e.g. Nazy,extremists etc.). Andrew you and yours friends in LR are really RUBBISH!

    • I am Russian,
      This site is not about hating Russians, it’s about shining the light on the evil government that has it’s grips on the fine people of Russia, of which you obviously are not one, because you choose to support the criminal government which continues to oppress and subjugate it’s people. Sorry you are unable to see the difference, you would fit in quite well with the democratic party in the U.S. I disagree with many in my own country about the direction we should be going. At least in my country we have a debate and aren’t shot in the head walking down the street because we disagree with the actions of the government! Why is that concept so hard for you people to grasp?

    • I’m Russian, I would rather be “Rubbish” than a “Sub-Human” like you.
      I have plenty of ethnic Russian friends and even relatives, but you and vermin like you shame them.
      Your defense of mass murder and genocide (committed by Russians against the Jews, Georgians, Ukrainians,Poles etc) makes you a sub-human ape and enemy of mankind.

  119. obamayomama
    1)”This site is not about hating Russians”
    Wow, what about the name of your blog – La RussoPHOBIA. Phobia = odium=hate.
    2) “Why is that concept so hard for you people to grasp?” It`s really very hard for us. Especially after LR`s readers approved nuclear bombs and regretted that Russia did not become A bombs victime!


    Phobia means fear, not hate, you illiterate imbecile.

    If you were a real human, you would read the definition of “russophobia” which is clearly stated in our header at length if you really wanted to know what we mean by the term.

    But all you care about is silly, stupid neo-Soviet lies of the same kind that wiped out the USSR and killed millions of Russians.

    You are Russia’s true enemy, true hater.

  120. To: obamayomama
    “Probably get knifed…” – why? – realy phobia? You are welcome always!!! Im glad to see guests.

  121. To: Andrew
    “So where is Moscow then? Mars?” – many basical things about Russia you dont know! Come back to RUSSIA! May be and China too for not to be “several of my friends have Chinese wives…”

    • I know more than enough about Russia and its crimes. Many people say “Moscow is not the real Russia”, maybe so, but it is where all the decisions are made.
      You and yours are irrelevant in the eyes of the murdering scum of the Kremlin.

  122. To: LA RUSSOPHOBE RESPONDS: Phobia means fear, not hate, you illiterate imbecile.
    – Powerless is just happy to offend.

    The word «phobia» has passed the complex transformation in use, and is now often under the «phobia» refers not only to pathological fears, but also has a negative attitude towards anyone, anything(for exmpl. RUSSOPHOBE). But if you insist on “Phobia means fear…” so it is “Irrational fear of uncontrollable, stable expression of fear. Fhobia is also called the relations of ill will and hatred of anything – the fear of emotion in this case is present in a veiled form. Such a phobia – it is highly expressed in persistent obsessive fear, irreversible acute in certain situations and not amenable to the full logical explanation.” For my part, I can only confirm this diagnosis! Congratulations!

  124. To: Andrew
    “Many people say “Moscow is not the real Russia” – O, Iam look you can find information in internet very fast – sorry, but such ability cant bring you understanding. Come back…

  125. “new-sky”, I think you misunderstand me.
    For those of us who are directly and personally affected by Russian agression, Muscovites (where all the decisions are made in the new Russian empire) are the only ones that count, as it is their decisions which impact on us.

  126. Andrew, you “affected by Russian agression”? What happened to you? If something is wrong, then sorry.

    • Lets see, my wife and daughter had to dodge Russian attacks on refugees last august, as Russian aircraft were attacking civillian traffic on the road from Surami through Gori to Tbilisi.
      My brother in laws ex wife was working for the Georgian Red Cross. She was taken prisoner by the Russians and their separatist sock puppets and beaten and raped.
      Several of my wifes relatives are from Abkhazia, both Georgian and Apsu, and have been driven from their homes by separatists, etc, etc, etc.

  127. Andrew , just now noticed your reply: “Funny, sounds like a perfect description of Russians to me.
    At least the Chinese have 1. A culture, and 2. Are polite and 3. Are civilised.
    As opposed to Russians, which are the opposite of all 3.” You should explain what you mean by “1. A culture, and 2. Are polite and 3. Are civilised.”

  128. К LR и ко всем НЕ ВАРВАРАМ.

    To LR and all Not to barbarians.

    Коэффициент рождаемости в России:

    Factor of birth rate in Russia:

    1980 — 15,9 на 1000 человек – до Горбачева М.С. KOMMUNIZM
    1990 — 13,4 на 1000 человек – Горбачев М.С. Peregruzka
    1995 — 9,2 на 1000 человек – Ельцин Б.Н. Peregruzka
    1996 — 8,9 на 1000 человек – Ельцин Б.Н. Peregruzka
    1997 — 8,6 на 1000 человек – Ельцин Б.Н. Peregruzka
    1998 — 8,8 на 1000 человек – Ельцин Б.Н. Peregruzka
    1999 — 8,3 на 1000 человек – Ельцин Б.Н. Peregruzka
    2000 — 8,7 на 1000 человек – Ельцин Б.Н. Peregruzka
    2001 — 9,1 на 1000 человек – ПУТИН В.В. KGB
    2002 — 9,7 на 1000 человек – ПУТИН В.В. KGB
    2003 — 10,2 на 1000 человек – ПУТИН В.В. KGB
    2004 — 10,4 на 1000 человек – ПУТИН В.В. KGB
    2005 — 10,2 на 1000 человек – ПУТИН В.В. KGB
    2006 — 10,4 на 1000 человек – ПУТИН В.В. KGB
    2007 — 11,3 на 1000 человек – ПУТИН В.В. KGB
    2008 — 12,1 на 1000 человек – ПУТИН В.В. & МЕДВЕДЕВ Д.А. KGB + KGB

    2009 – опять предлагают Peregruzku. Товарищи “ВАРВАРЫ”, Вы хотите COCA COLA?
    Лично я – НЕТ, НЕТ и еще раз НЕТ. Уважаю только КВАС!

  129. To …..

    Коэффициент рождаемости в России:

    Factor of birth rate in Russia:

    1980 — 15,9 на 1000 человек – Коммунисты и KGB
    1990 — 13,4 на 1000 человек – Горбачев М.С. COCA COLA
    1995 — 9,2 на 1000 человек – Ельцин Б.Н. COCA COLA
    1996 — 8,9 на 1000 человек – Ельцин Б.Н. COCA COLA
    1997 — 8,6 на 1000 человек – Ельцин Б.Н. COCA COLA
    1998 — 8,8 на 1000 человек – Ельцин Б.Н. COCA COLA
    1999 — 8,3 на 1000 человек – Ельцин Б.Н. COCA COLA
    2000 — 8,7 на 1000 человек – ПУТИН В.В. KGB
    2001 — 9,1 на 1000 человек – ПУТИН В.В. KGB
    2002 — 9,7 на 1000 человек – ПУТИН В.В. KGB
    2003 — 10,2 на 1000 человек – ПУТИН В.В. KGB
    2004 — 10,4 на 1000 человек – ПУТИН В.В. KGB
    2005 — 10,2 на 1000 человек – ПУТИН В.В. KGB
    2006 — 10,4 на 1000 человек – ПУТИН В.В. KGB
    2007 — 11,3 на 1000 человек – ПУТИН В.В. KGB
    2008 — 12,1 на 1000 человек – МЕДВЕДЕВ Д.А. KGB

    К России


    2009 – опять предлагают COCA COLA. Вы хотите COCA COLA?
    Лично я – НЕТ, НЕТ и еще раз НЕТ. Уважаю только КВАС!

  130. K-19, the death rate is still 14.7 per 1000, so you are still heading down the toilet.

  131. To LR
    Извиняюсь, глюкнул Internet Explorer! при сохранении. Я решил ,что цензура и набрал второй раз. Один пост можно удалить, а можно оставить, как хотите.

    To LR
    I apologize, failure in Internet Explorer! At preservation. I have decided, that censorship and second time has typedOne post can be removed, and it is possible to leave, as want.

  132. To Andrew
    Мой тебе ответ: Это эхо от Peregruzki&CocaCola

    To Andrew
    Mine to you the answer: This echo from Peregruzki&CocaCola

  133. K-19,
    You are absolutely correct!
    Russia – 11 births per 1000 persons (I haven’t seen 12 as you write, but I’ll take your word for it).

    Burkina Faso (formerly known as Upper Volta, also known as Russia without missiles) – 44 births per 1000 persons.

    God speed, folks! You are on the right track. Drink more kvas.

    Andrew – drink a little bit of kvas as K-19 suggests and you will too stop thinking that population growth is important.

  134. To Felix
    Promt позволил мне оценить твою ядовитую фразу, но прокомментирую я
    тебе только следующее (еще раз и доходчиво!):

    Одна из основных причин увеличения рождаемости: Реакция молодого
    населения на – улучшение условий жизни плюс уверенность в завтрашнем

    Одна из основных причин уменьшения продолжительности жизни, кроется в
    прошлом: это недостаток медицинского обслуживания (особенно для тех
    кому за 50 лет) и тяжелых условий жизни во времена Peregruzki&CocaCola,

    Здесь нам потребуются годы для исправления

    To Felix
    Promt has allowed me to estimate your poisonous phrase, but I shall

    To you only the following (once again and intelligibly!):

    One of principal causes of increase in birth rate: Reaction young
    The population on – improvement of conditions of a life plus confidence

    in tomorrow’s

    One of principal causes of reduction of life expectancy, is covered in
    The past: it is lack of health services (especially for those
    Who for 50 years) and heavy conditions of a life during time

    Peregruzki&CocaCola, Here to us will need years for correction

  135. There is no poison, my dear – everything is as sweet as kvas!

    but I shall comment To you only the following (once again and intelligibly!)

    as many times as you see fit! Intelligibility, of course in the eyes of the beholder…

    One of principal causes of increase in birth rate: Reaction young
    The population on – improvement of conditions of a life plus confidence in tomorrow’s Day.

    Absolutely! Another couple years – and both the conditions and the confidence will reach the level of Burkina Faso! As I said before – God speed, you are on the right track!

    Здесь нам потребуются годы для исправления ситуации.

    I’ll tell you in Russian: А вы друзья как ни садитесь, все в музыканты не годитесь!

    • Well, considering what a danger to the world the Russians are, I for one am glad that people like K-19 are busy trying to push the Russian race over a cliff in the greatest self immolation of a culture in history.
      God speed you on you lemmings.
      BTW Felix, always enjoy your posts!!

  136. I’ll tell you in Russian: А вы друзья как ни садитесь, все в музыканты

    не годитесь!


  137. To LR


    (3) You’ll soon have a Chinese passport

    Спасибо за заботу и предупреждение, протёр железо для ВСЕХ желающих

    изменить наш паспорт.

    EN: Thanks for care and the warning, has wiped iron for ALL comers to

    change our passport.


    Peregruzka&Coca Cola WELCOME !

    To obamayomama

    …Sprechen sie deutsch scweinhunt…
    …Even the Nashi is fashioned after the Hitler youth.You schmucks are

    incapable of an original thought, always stealing…
    Get yourself another bottle of cheap vodka and make yourself smarter.

    Тебя я как то упустил из виду, MAIN FREUND!
    Такие скотские вещи как нацизм и расизм нам чужды, и копировать их мы

    не способны! Но как всегда – в любой большой семье не без урода.
    Пример: Nashi, KU-KLUS-KLAN и тому подобные.
    Поэтому налей себе стаканчик Coca Cola и присоединяйся, ВЫПЬЕМ СТОЯ –

    за здоровье наших президентов!

    EN: I as that have overlooked you, MAIN FREUND! Such bestial things as

    nazism and racism are alien to us, and to copy them we are not capable!

    But as always – in any big family not without the ugly creature.
    Example: Nashi, KU-KLUS-KLAN and to that similar.
    Therefore налей to itself glass Coca Cola also join, we SHALL DRINK

    COSTING(STANDING) – for health of our presidents!


    Peregruzka&Coca Cola WELCOME !

    To Felix

    …..Burkina Faso!

    Ты уже давно в пути.
    Рекомендую – Школа KGB, факультет: “Как отдать долг более $ 11 000 000

    000 000?”

    EN: You already for a long time in a way.
    I recommend – School KGB, faculty: ” How to repay more $ 11 000 000 000


    To Andrew

    Смотри выше и наслаждайся !
    Посчитал сколько на каждого lemmings!?

    EN: Look above and enjoy!
    Has considered how many on everyone lemmings!?


    Peregruzka&Coca Cola WELCOME !

    P.S. Если подобные ответы уже были выше извиняюсь за невнимательность.

  138. “will reach the level of Burkina Faso”
    God forbid! Fertility:
    45.62 per 1000 people

    Deaths: ‘
    15.62 per 1000 people

    Infant mortality rate:
    total – 91.35 per 1000 infants
    boys – 99.17 per 1000 infants
    girls – 83.3 per 1000 infants

    Natural increase:

    Average life expectancy:
    Total – 48.85 years
    male – 47.33 years
    female – 50.42 years

  139. Из специального рапорта (Часть 2):” :”Жуткий прогноз КГБ”


    …Современные механизмы финансовых расчётов увеличат количество оффшоров и объёмы финансовых операций на порядок. Ничтожные налоги станут общим правилом. Государство сможет эффективно собирать лишь налог с продаж и недвижимости. Да и то только в очень богатых и цивилизованных странах. Доходы от внешнеэкономической деятельности станут ничтожными. Это означает финансовый крах центральных правительств. Деньги будут только у отдельных муниципалитетов населённых зажиточными людьми. Вообще в мире появится много мини Швейцарий для богатых…

    …После того как национальный суверенитет государств будет упразднен, олигархия перестанет соблюдать тот “общественный договор” между населением и элитами, который был заключен после второй мировой войны. В результате большинство жителей Парижа, Берлина или Милана разделят участь низших классов африканских и азиатских сообществ. В мире больше не будет богатых и бедных рас, а большинство белых европейцев и американцев окажутся за чертой нищеты…Останется только один конфликт – между планетарной властью (Читай: Морган,Рокфеллер,…) и мировым гражданским обществом, включающим в себя всех обездоленных земли…

    …И только когда шоковый характер событий заставляет людей сомневаться в их привычном образе мысли, народам открывается нелицеприятная правда об их собственных глубоко укоренившихся представлениях. В истории существует время и место, где и когда народы жаждут услышать правду; чаще всего, действительно точным прогнозам не по своей вине приходится увядать на неплодородной почве общественного мнения. Качественные долговременные прогнозы похожи на стойкие семена, которые выживают в неблагоприятных условиях и прорастают в благоприятной обстановке (Читай: Карл Маркс “Капитал”)…

    … СССР был единственным форпостом перед надвигающейся на мир угрозой глобализации. С его разрушением, рано или поздно, мир ждет хаос под знаменем: – “убей того, кто богаче тебя!”. Россия- последний рубеж!…

    EN: From the special official report (the Part 2): “:” the Terrible forecast of KGB ”

    I quote:

    … Modern mechanisms of financial calculations will increase quantity(amount) of offshores and volumes of financial operations by the order. Insignificant taxes become the general(common) rule. The state can is effective collect only the tax from sales and the real estate. And that only in very rich and civilized countries. Incomes of foreign trade activities become insignificant. It means financial crash of the central governments. Money will be only at separate municipalities occupied prosperous people. In general in the world will appear pass Shwecary for rich much…

    … After the national sovereignty of the states will be abolished, the oligarchy will cease to observe that ” the public contract ” between the population and elites which has been made after the second world war. In result the majority of inhabitants of Paris, Berlin or Milan will share fate the lowest classes of the African and Asian communities. In the world any more there will be no rich and poor races, and the majority of white Europeans and Americans appear behind feature of poverty… There Will be only one conflict – between planetary authority (Read: Morgan, Rockefeller…) and the world(global) civil society including all destitute ground…

    … And only when shock character of events forces people to doubt of their habitual image of idea, to peoples the impartial truth about their own deeply taken roots representations opens. In a history there is time and a place, where and when peoples thirst to hear the truth; more often, really exact forecasts not on the fault should wither on infertile ground of public opinion. Qualitative long-term forecasts are similar to proof seeds which survive in adverse conditions and sprout in favorable conditions (Read: Karl Marx “Capital”)…

    … The USSR was a unique advanced post before threat approaching to the world globalizations. With his destruction, sooner or later, the world waits chaos under a banner: ” kill the one who the richman of you! “. Russia last boundary!…

    Peregruzka&Coca Cola WELCOME !

  140. Good god! Finaly i found this artickle.
    First, i want all of u ecscuse me my bad english and some code problems – it is not my fault, my ZXspectrum do not “know” Unicode well, and it is too difficult to find good PC in my small town: “Babruysk”*, named after “baber”** – giant animal, awesome preadator with 1-2 inch teeth. It is not true that bears walk around in all our towns, in our village “babrbI” killed all bears ten years ago . So we must hunt them now. But our goverment do nothing to keep our ecology safe…Every day i see more and more “Babers” and we do not know what to do… In such conditions we need any supprt for our free forums to show our ppl real situation in our country and especially in Babruysk region. So, one more time thx for your strugle, your community is our only hope!
    Now i must take my balalayka, drink some oil and go hunt “babers'”. Wish me good luck!

    P.S.: hope some of u visit my town one day.
    Welcome to BABRUYSK guys! See u there!!!

    *Babruysk [бАбруйск]- small town in tundra not far from north pole .
    **Baber [бАбер] -giant animal, preadator, inhabit Babruysk region.

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    .Делаю сбор баз любых ресурсов под заказ. rekl756@mail.ru

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    E-mail: bof675@mail.ru

  145. Автор молодец. Затронул тему до глубины. Кстати хочу тоже поделится некоторыми открытиями – Сывороточная болезнь. Я сам в шоке

  146. -Делаю сайты от 30$ баннеров от 10$
    -реклама на 30000 форумов 20$
    -реклама на 10000 электронных досок объявлений 7$
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    -рассылка на тематические сайты (форумы, доски, каталоги, новосные и т.п.) – сбор базы
    + рассылка 60$. Все последующие рассылки 10-20$.Собраные базы отдаю Вам.
    -зарегистрировать вручную в любых ресурсах 0.2$ за регистрацию (минимум 200 регистраций)
    -комплексная раскрутка сайтов 1000$ разово + 200$ в месяц за рассылки или по договорености.
    -делаю сбор баз любых ресурсов под заказ
    -поиск информации в интернете 10$
    E-mail: rek465@mail.ru

  147. It seems as if the economy in Russia has hit the lowest point, so far, when they feel the need to advertise on this forum.
    Beggars can’t be choosers….I guess!!

  148. Inoforum is a major Russian website. Thaaaat’s a great one. Yep, it’s a titan of the world wide web. It fact its as much a MAJOR russian website as the Washington Post is an objective and balanced news medium, which is saying something. hahahahahahaha. Somebody is clearly having inadequacy issues.


    Oh man, old man Ames never ceases to put a smile on my face. Talk about having a way with words.

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